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日期:2020-06-17 点击数: 来源:



Email: taiyang5450@163.com



2014/092018/06 金沙商学院 市场营销学 博士 导师:金晓彤教授

2010/092012/06 金沙集团1862cc成色 应用心理学 硕士 导师:黄冬梅教授

2006/092010/06 金沙集团1862cc成色 应用心理学 本科



2018/092020/09 金沙集团1862cc成色师资博士后 合作导师:田毅鹏教授

2020/09—至今 金沙心理学系副教授






[1]     Taiyang Zhao, Xiaotong Jin*, Wei Song, Hongjing Cui, and Jianlue Ding. How a Perceived Status Change Increase Consumers’ Tendency Toward Consumption through Double Psychological Mechanisms[J]. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 2018, 21(1-2): 65-73. (SSCI)

[2]     Taiyang Zhao, Xiaotong Jin*, Wei Xu, Xiaomeng Zuo, and Hongjing Cui. Mating Goals Moderate Power’s Effect on Conspicuous Consumption Among Women[J]. Evolutionary Psychology, 2017, 15(3): 1-8. (SSCI)

[3]     Taiyang Zhao, Wei Song, Xiaotong Jin, Hongjing Cui, and Yang Li*. Hedonism or Self-growth? The Influence of Perceived Control on Individual Product Preferences for Individuals Under Self-Threat[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2020, 32(6): 1343-1361. (SSCI)

[4]     Liying Zhou, Hongyi Mao, Taiyang Zhao *, Valerie Lynette Wang, Xiaodong Wang, and Peng Zuo. How B2B platform improves Buyers’ performance: Insights into platform’s substitution effect. Journal of Business Research[J], 2022,143: 72-80. (SSCI)

[5]     Mo Li, Taiyang Zhao* , Ershuai Huang, and Jianan Li. How Does a Public Health Emergency Motivate People's Impulsive Consumption? An Empirical Study during the COVID-19 Outbreak in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(14):5019. (SSCI)

[6]     Hongjing Cui, Taiyang Zhao*, Slawomir Smyczek, Yajun Sheng, Ming Xu, and Xiao Yang. Dual Path Effects of Self-worth on Status Consumption: Evidence from Chinese Consumers[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2020, 32(7): 1431-1450 (SSCI).

[7]     Wei Song, Taiyang Zhao *, Ershuai Huang. How Does the COVID-19 Pandemic Affect People's Willingness to Pay for Health in the Short and Long Term? A Longitudinal Study during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(3):1568. (SSCI)

[8]     Xiao Hu, Jiayi Wang, Banggang Wu, Taiyang Zhao *. Specialist or new entrant: Who is the ideal investor for a new venture?[J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2021, online. (SSCI)

[9]     Hongjing Cui, Kim Shyan Fam*, Taiyang Zhao, Wei Xu, and Cheng Han. How to Save the Wounded Self: Power Distance Belief's Moderation of Self-identity Threat and Status-related Consumption[J]. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2020, 19(1):3-12 (SSCI).

[10] Jianan Li, Xiaotong Jin, Taiyang Zhao, and Tiannv Ma. Conformity Consumer Behavior and External Threats: An Empirical Analysis in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic[J]. SAGE OPEN, 2021, 11(3): 21582440211032152 (SSCI)

[11] Wei Song, Xiaotong Jin, Jian Gao*, and Taiyang Zhao. Will Buying Follow Others Ease Their Threat of Death? An Analysis of Consumer Data during the Period of COVID-19 in China[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 3215 (SSCI).

[12] Hongjing Cui, Kim Shyan Fam*, and Taiyang Zhao. Regulatory Focus and Message Framing's Effects on Intention to Consume Ethnic Food in China[J]. British Food Journal, 2020,122(6):1969-1982(SSCI).

[13] Wei Song, Xiaotong Jin, Jian Gao*, and Taiyang Zhao. Feeling Deficient but Reluctant to Improve: How Perceived Control Affects Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Self-improvement Products under Self-deficit Situations [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12: 544523 (SSCI).

[14] Xiaotong Jin, Yurou Zhao*, Wei Song, Taiyang Zhao. Save for Safe: Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Consumers’ Saving and Spending Behavior in China[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12: 636859. (SSCI)

[15] Xiaotong Jin, Jianan Li, Wei Song*, Taiyang Zhao. The Impact of COVID-19 and Public Health Emergencies on Consumer Purchase of Scarce Products in China[J]. Frontiers in Public Health, 2020, 8: 617166. (SSCI)

[16] Jianan Li*, Xiaotong Jin, Taiyang Zhao, and Tiannv Ma. Conformity Consumer Behavior and External Threats: An Empirical Analysis in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic[J]. SAGE OPEN, 2021, 11(3): 21582440211032152 (SSCI)

[17] Feng Yao, Xiaotong Jin, Banggang Wu*, Taiyang Zhao and Tiannv Ma. Shape–Trait Consistency: The Matching Effect of Consumer Power State and Shape Preference[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 30: 615647. (SSCI)

[18] 金晓彤, 赵太阳*, 崔宏静, 徐尉, 李广政. 地位感知变化对消费者地位消费行为的影响[J]. 心理学报, 2017,49(02):273-284(CSSCI).

[19] 崔宏静*, 徐尉, 赵太阳, 王天新. 自我认同威胁对消费者地位产品选择的影响研究——基于权力距离信念的调节效应和地位需求的中介效应[J]. 南开管理评论, 2018,21(06):210-220(CSSCI).

[20] 金晓彤,姚凤,徐尉,赵太阳.自我威胁情境消费者地位消费行为研究——基于内隐人格的调节作用[J].南开管理评论, 2020,23(06):111-123(CSSCI).

[21] 金晓彤, 赵太阳, 李杨*. 营销信息如何影响环保型产品的购买意愿——基于他人在场的调节效应分析[J]. 管理评论, 2017, 29(01):166-174.(CSSCI, 被中国人民大学报刊复印资料《市场营销》2017年第7期下半月全文转载)

[22] 左晓萌, 赵太阳*. 农民工人情消费:城乡和代际差异的心理逻辑分析[J].社会科学战线, 2018(11):252-256(CSSCI).

[23] 金晓彤, 周爽*, 赵太阳. 新生代农民工的身份二元性及其返乡消费高可见性符号特征——基于城市异地务工青年的对比研究[J]. 人口与经济, 2017(05):116-126(CSSCI).

[24] 金晓彤,宋伟,赵太阳,姚凤.公共卫生事件对居民非理性消费行为的影响[J].西安交通大学学报(社会科学版), 2020,40(04):50-60.

[25] 崔宏静*, 金晓彤, 赵太阳, 王天新. 自我认同对地位消费行为意愿的双路径影响机制研究[J]. 管理学报, 2016, 13(07):1028-1037(CSSCI).

[26] 黄冬梅*, 赵太阳. 跨文化研究视域下的进化与文化对行为的塑造——以隔代投资研究为例[J]. 金沙社会科学学报, 2013, 53(06):165-170(CSSCI).





[1]     国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于意义维持模型的自我威胁对消费者体验消费偏好的影响机制研究(71902069)

[2]     国家社会科学基金后期资助项目:自我威胁情境下控制感对消费者商品选择偏好和消费倾向的影响研究(19FGLY006)

[3]     中国博士后科学基金面上项目:消费者体验消费的心理需求与营销情境互动机制研究(2019M651231)

[4]     吉林省社会科学基金项目:乡村振兴与吉林省农村居民消费行为理性化研究(2019c31)

[5]     吉林省教育厅社会科学基金项目:后疫情时代我国居民消费行为的典型特征及其柔性引导策略研究(JJKH20211262SK)



[1]     教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目:中国新生代农民工收入状况与消费行为研究(12JZD028)

[2]     国家社会科学基金重大项目:东亚乡村振兴的社会政策比较研究(18ZDA119)

[3]     国家社会科学基金重点项目:中国经济发展中的文化消费问题研究(12AZD021)

[4]     国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于控制感边界条件的消费者自我威胁对应对性消费行为影响机制研究(71872070)

[5]     国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于情境性自我认同的地位消费行为双路径形成机制研究(71602066)

