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关于组织有关人员参加 “2010博士研究生教育国际交流会”的通知

日期:2010-11-03 点击数: 来源:


由中国教育国际交流协会和中国研究生院院长联席会共同主办的 “PhD Workshop China 2010/2010博士研究生教育国际交流会”将于2010年11月27-28日在北京港澳中心瑞士酒店开幕。


截至10月初,来自澳大利亚、加拿大、丹麦、法国、德国、 荷兰、新加坡、英国、美国等9个国家的70多所世界著名大学和博士研究生院已报名参会,届时驻华使馆教育官员等近150位院校博士生招生主管、教授和导师将面对中国学生,并向中国学生详解各自学校和院系的博士生招生信息、资助项目、奖学金颁发、学科专业等。同时这些大学和博士研究生院也十分希望与国内院校建立联系、探讨合作、共谋未来的发展。




电 话:010-8580 0787/91/90

联系人:杨琳琳, 党丽军

附件: 活动日程及参会学校名单



2010 博士研究生教育国际交流会



2010 年11 月 26 日 星期五

14:00-17:00 国外参会代表报到注册



15:00-17:00 中国博士研究生教育情况说明会

港澳中心瑞士酒店三层港澳厅 8-10


18:00-20:00 国外参会代表开幕晚宴招待会

港澳中心瑞士酒店三层港澳厅 1-3


2010 年11 月 27 日 星期六

09:00-17:00 国内已注册学生及院校代表入场交流咨询和洽谈



2010 年11 月 28 日 星期日

09:00-17:00 国内已注册学生及院校代表入场交流咨询和洽谈



17:00-18:00 闭幕鸡尾酒会

港澳中心瑞士酒店二层宴会厅 咖啡区


Country Institution Name

Australia Macquarie University

Canada Carleton University

Canada Concordia University

Canada Dalhousie University

Canada Laval University

Canada McGill University

Canada McMaster University

Canada Memorial University of Newfoundland

Canada Polytechnique Montreal

Canada The University of Western Ontario

Canada University of Alberta

Canada University of Manitoba

Canada University of Montreal

Canada University of Ottawa

Canada University of Waterloo

Canada Université de Sherbrooke

Canada York University

Denmark Doctoral School of Organization and Management Studies

France CRI: Centre for Research and Interdisciplinarity

France Doctoral School Sciences and Management of Ressources, Product and Process Engineering

France French Embassy in Beijing and CampusFrance Chine

France Lorraine University, France

France Sciences Po

France University of Lyon

France University of Paris-Sud 11

France University of Toulouse

France Université de Montpellier, Sud de france University of Montpellier (South of France)

Germany Christian-Albrechts-Universit.t zu Kiel

Germany Comprehensive Pneumology Center

Germany Freie Universitaet Berlin

Germany Friedrich Schiller University of Jena

Germany Friedrich-Alexander-Universit.t Erlangen-Nürnberg

Germany German Academic Exchange Service

Germany Goethe University Frankfurt

Germany Heidelberg Graduate Schhol of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences

Germany International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC)

Germany Justus Liebig University

Germany Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

Germany Leibniz Universit.t Hannover, Graduate School on Multiscale Methodes for Interface Coupling

Germany Ludwig_Maximilians-University Munich

Germany Max-Planck-Institute for Iron Research

Germany Paderborn University

Germany RWTH Aachen University

Germany Technical University of Munich

Germany Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg

Germany University of Bayreuth

Germany University of G.ttingen / Germany

Germany University of Hamburg & Max Planck Institute for Meteorology

Germany University of Konstanz

Germany University of Rostock

Germany University of Würzburg

Singapore Nanyang Technological University

The Netherlands Delft University of Technology

The Netherlands Maastricht University

The Netherlands Radboud University Nijmegen

The Netherlands University of Groningen

The Netherlands Utrecht University

UK Cardiff University

UK King's College London, University of London

UK Middlesex University

UK Newcastle University

UK NewRoute PhD Consortium

UK Robert Gordon University

UK The University of Manchester

UK The University of Nottingham

UK UCL (University College London)

UK University of Birmingham

UK University of Bristol

UK University of Exeter

UK University of Leeds

UK University of Surrey

UK University of the Arts London

UK University of Warwick

USA Middle Tennessee State University
